February 13, 2008 at 4:21 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 42 Comments


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  1. Kellie, what a precious video!!! Maybe it’s just me but you seem to have a “glow” about you. I bet all the exercise you’ve been doing is helping you feel more uplifted and EMPOWERED!!. I love that word!!! You look GREAT and Emma Kelly is too precious for words. What a happy baby!!

  2. *happy smile*

  3. TOOOOO CUTE!!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Aren’t little girls the best.

  4. OMG she is so CUTE!! And you look absolutely gorgeous. I don’t know what you are always complaining about! Rock on hot mama! : )

  5. Emma Kelly is just the cutest thing everrr!

  6. Kellie, that is BEYOND precious!

  7. How cute is that? She is so precious and such a blessing!

  8. awww!! she is so precious and cute!! i love when you post pics and videos of her. i feel like i know the little darling!

  9. That’s soo adorable Kellie! Your lucky to have such a happy and beautiful baby girl. 🙂

  10. Kellie, it looks like your growing your hair long; it looks really pretty!

    What a sweet baby you have!!!!!

  11. OMG!! That was tooo cute!! Here I am at work and people are looking in my office and going…what are you smiling at!! I’m so happy for you and you look GREAT!!

  12. Kellie, you look amazing- your legs look tiny! Emma Kelly is so pretty! Great video!

  13. It’s so obvious you’re head over heels in love with your daughter 🙂 Thanks for sharing. That was an adorable video!

  14. Kellie, WOW! This video is sooo precious! The love you have for your baby girl beams right off of your face!!! You can tell she is ‘slightly’ crazy about you as well! Thank you for sharing this! You look amazing!

  15. That smile Emma Kelly has!! HUGE!! I love it. You look great, Kelly! I know what hard work it is 🙂

  16. WOW…there is just nothing better in the world than making your baby smile!! I LOVE it!!

  17. Kellie, I really like your hair longer too and parted that way. You look great and hopefully with the exercise and life coach, you can learn to love yourself and embrace all the wonderful things about you!

  18. I don’t know why you think your fat. You are beautiful girl. Emma Kelly is absolutely beautiful. She is too cute.

  19. i think Kellie looks great in black…it compliments her porcelain skin while highlighting her natural red hair.

  20. Thanks for making me smile Kellie! that is precious!! and you look awesome by the way!! don’t know why you worry about your weight so much. For your height, you’re just right.

  21. That is too cute! My baby girl likes to dance too! I agree with the other comments, you look so happy, you’re glowing. And you look HOT!!

  22. Kellie, you look great! Emma Kelly is beautiful and looks so happy! I am so envious you get to breathe the same air as Adam Levine next Friday! I would love to be there, but as a stay at home of two NO CHANCE!!!! Thanks for posting this precious video!!

  23. So cute! Kelly – I wish I looked that good in a pair of jeans!! I haven’t even had a kid and you look much better than I will ever look 🙂

  24. Kellie!! You are so gorgeous! Your smile while playing with your beautiful daughter just lights up the room. You have such an amazing daughter and are so pretty!

  25. She is toooooo adorable!!

  26. Kellie, that is too precious! LOVE IT.

  27. OMG! How CUTE is that???? Emma is so adorable. She looks just like her beautiful momma. And you are SO SKINNY!!!! You do not have a ounce of fat in you girl! you both just glow when you are together, keep dancing away!

  28. Awwww!!! How cute!!! I miss that age. You are blessed kellie with a beautiful daughter.

  29. So cute! Thank you for sharing! Emma Kelly is just so beautiful!!!


  31. She is the most adorable baby girl ever!! Too cute and so full of joy!

  32. Kellie-
    Emma Kellie is a light that brightens the world and you are a terrific mother…keep dancin!!!

  33. That is a happy little girl. Kellie, you should be very proud.

  34. You are such a good mommy!!!

  35. Aww, how sweet! Thanks Kellie for sharing your baby with us. She is so precious.

  36. Kellie she is just beautiful. And you are so skinny!

  37. Damn girl you look good!

  38. Cutest. Baby. EVER! I want her, Kellie!

  39. okay that is beyond adorable! you have a beautiful daughter! must take after her momma!

  40. Kellie your daughter is the most precious thing ever! You look fabulous also and I think your diet is working… I could probably stand to lose a few pounds so I’m gonna try the super foods diet like you!

  41. what an awesome dance routine!!



  42. Kellie! You look FANTASTIC!! What a truly cute video!

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